Monday, July 12, 2010

BOOKTRYST: 200 Rabbit Holes Await At Canadian Library

Are you mad as a hatter for all things Alice?

One of the points of our bloggy triangle here at Mrs. BG is absolutely insane for Alice. Can you guess which one of us it is? Oh, no fair, you already knew it was Miss Izzy Rose, bookblogger and fashion blogger extraordinaire, didn't you.

I aways keep an eye out for Alice information to share with Izzy and, boy, did I run across a goldmine at
BookTryst. If you aren't familiar with BookTryst, please visit. It is a bibliophile's dream... one fascinating book related post after another.

BOOKTRYST: 200 Rabbit Holes Await At Canadian Library
Izzy will be planning a trip to Canada after getting a gander at this collection!

BOOKTRYST: Take A Peake At The Twentieth Century's Optimum Alice
Not being an Alice addict, I only knew about Tenniel's illustrations. Did you know that Mervyn Peake who wrote Gormenghast also illustrated Alice in Wonderland?

It is a good thing I 'yearn for knowledge' because the things I don't know could fill the Mariana Trench!


  1. Lesa,

    Thanks for linking to my posts. The feeling is mutual--I really enjoy your blog, too.

  2. You're Welcome! I'm so happy you enjoyed your visit to Mrs. BG. I'll be visiting BookTryst often--maybe some of the erudition will rub off on me!

  3. Thanks for linking to BookTryst! That's an INCREDIBLY interesting blog...

  4. Isn't it though, Lindsay--- I'm so glad you like it too. Can't get enough of it and I'm going to link to it again-- I found the 'parrish condition' and woman bookbinders very interesting. Guess I am a blog groupie now! ;o)

    So happy to see you again-- I've missed your regular blogging!


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