Sunday, October 31, 2010

Boo From Cruella!

Leslie's book parade  post about dressing up as a book character reminded me that my three year old and I went as Cruella and dalmation puppy for Halloween 2008.

 I haven't read the Dodie Smith novel so I am actually Cruella from the animated Disney movie. Technically cheating, I know, but this was the funnest costume ever. Actors are correct when they say it is tremendous fun playing bad characters, Daah-ling! Mwahahaahha!

Reformed Cruella loves puppies!

But not for long...
During the parade of costumes at school, I chased the puppy around the gym. The students went wild! The rest of the day while my pup was in class, I asked students in the hall if they knew where the puppies were hiding and grabbed any dressed as animals for a new fur coat. Too fun!

I recommend this costume highly especially if you have kids in your life to dress as puppies--- sons/daughters,  nieces/nephews, cousins, neighbors-- any child will do. haha

My one caution: Beware the pumps!! They put the horror in Halloween!  


  1. No wonder cruella was so cranky. Never under estimate the power of a pair of flip flops on world peace.

  2. No joke! Chasing kids around in pumps!
    Thats cutie patootie puppy!

  3. +JMJ+

    Too much fun!!! =D I love your costume, Lesa!

    And I would have laughed until I cried at the sight of you chasing a puppy-costumed kid around, too!

    Happy Halloween!

  4. Now wait a minute...Cruella doesn't look like she had the little dalmation convinced he should be concerned. too cute.

  5. Love the costume! I miss the days of dressing up with the kids. Thanks for the smile.

  6. Thanks all for the fun comments! Glad you guys got a kick out of it!


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