Friday, October 29, 2010

Book Paraaaaade!!

Today my son was part of the Literacy Parade in his school. All the Kindergarten students (and teachers!) dressed as their favorite book character, brought the book, and marched through the entire school. The teachers and older students cheered and clapped as they went by!

Isn't this a great idea? What a way to get kids excited about books! And it was a hoot to see all these little ones! Too. Cute.

Of course, there were the requisite Spidermen, Disney Princesses, and other Super Heroes. But we also saw Alice, farmers, cowboys, Amelia Bedelia, Thomas, cats, dogs, and a host of other classic, adorable characters. I tried to read all the book titles as they marched by...
...but these giggly bookworms were too fast. They were chattering, pointing and telling us all about their books. Couldn't hear, nor understand them, but they were excited!

And you know what? It got ME excited too! I need to head back to the young readers section of the library and get reacquainted with some old friends and meet new ones!

If I got to be part of this parade, I might've chosen Ramona or Alice in Wonderland. Who would you have been?


  1. That is a cute idea! At age five I probably would've been Goldilocks, Snow White or Cinderella. Older kids would like this too-- If I was 8, I would've been Laura Ingalls or Pippi Longstocking.

    To tell the truth, I'd love it at my current age and wouldn't this be a fun event at a book blogger convention-- I'd go as Scarlett or maybe a hobbit girl...

  2. Actually, I would love it too! I'd still like Alice, but also maybe also Elizabeth Bennet.
    Hey, you could go as Scarlett and I could go as Carol Burnett's Scarlett. HAHAHA. Not very bookish but hilarious.

  3. Such a cute idea and a great way to make Halloween celebrations actually educational!

    I think I actually did dress as Pippi Longstocking when I was a kid! I was a book nerd even then... And all too recently I went to a costume party as Princess Leia from Star Wars which I suppose counts as literary based on the number of books that Lucas's universe has spawned.

  4. He looks great!

    We do this at my school every world book day, and whatever costume the teachers dress up as is the book that class will be studying that day. Last year I went as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and we spent the day writing stories defeating the wicked witches. It was fun :)

    At my school though, lots of the kids cheat. They come in as characters from TV shows and bring in tie-in books. Technically OK, but still cheating and I'm sick of 10 Hannah Montanas!

  5. +JMJ+

    What a great idea! When I was in elementary school, we had a United Nations parade. (In high school, we had a "Miss United Nations" pageant.) And we had "Sportsfest" parades, too, for all the athletes and cheerleaders. But I don't recall any literary parades. =(

    English Day saw classrooms turn into interactive museum exhibits (with some students dressed as characters). Does that count? =P

    Anyway, I'm not sure whom I would go as. I'll really have to think about this and get back to you, Leslie! =)

  6. @Sam, ITA - a few kids "cheated" here too (Spiderman and Disney Princesses), but I guess at least they had a book, right? I was hoping there would be more diverse books - classics from other countries/cultures since so many kids are first generation Americans...oh well.
    @Enbrethiliel - I think those all count! Way cool! We never did stuff like that waaaay back in my day! ;)I might have liked school more if we did!

  7. +JMJ+

    Leslie: I didn't think much of it when I was a student, because I was just really used to it, you know? But I recently had a chat with someone who is currently studying in my alma mater--a relatively new girl from a whole other country. She said that she was so amazed by all the fun activities our school offered that she observed to another new girl, "It's like being in High School Musical!" LOL!


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