Inspiration From The Distant Past

Inspiration From The Distant Past
Found note in an old book... warms the cockles of my bookish heart...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Salvation Creek

I have just finished reading Salvation Creek, and was enthralled.  It's not always an easy read, as Maggie Tabberer (an Aussie icon) alludes on the cover, but it is an excellent read.

The autobiography centres on the life of  Susan Duncan during some extraordinarily difficult years, through to her ultimate, wait for it.... salvation.  

It's about life, love, cancer, death, dogs, nature, cooking, boats and island living.  Reading it made me rush to the phone and contact my friends and family who had recently battled cancer, just to let them know I was here if they needed me.  They may have won their battle years ago, but still bear the scars in so many ways.

But don't think this is a depressing book.  Yes, almost every major character has or has had cancer, and some die, but this is an uplifting book--one of those life-affirming stories.  She, like me, was mad enough to get two puppies at a time, and I was nodding in agreement about her travails. I was also wanting to move to an island just like she did, and start cooking more like Tracy and Lesa.

Many autobiographies are self aggrandizing, but this one seems so honest, with Susan willing to share her failures and failings.  I felt as if I just might respond in a similar way to her situation.

It's a wonderful book to read if you are interested in the Australian bush and wildlife.  Susan moves to Pittwater and lives close to nature most tourists have to pay extra to see.  She develops a love of nature she hadn't known during her high-powered city life.

This is a beautiful story, and you should pour a glass of your favourite refreshing beverage and read it with your feet up on a verandah, deck or porch.  That's what I think, anyway...

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  1. What a lovely cover! Yes, let's all move to an island-- I'd love a temperate climate for a change.

    Wow, this book offers so much. Thanks for sharing how it affected you-- bet your family/friends were very touched that you called to offer support.

    I really should read more memoirs. Or rather 'some' memoirs because I haven't read any in years-- except for bits of hub's celebrity memoirs.

  2. Sounds like a good one, thank you so much for sharing. Hugs!

  3. Sounds good! I'll have to look for it.

    I could go for an island, that could work.


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