Inspiration From The Distant Past

Inspiration From The Distant Past
Found note in an old book... warms the cockles of my bookish heart...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Off the Beaten Page; Dellylu

Dellylu, eight years old, is reading Samurai Kids #2, The Owl Warrior. She sums up the story, 'drum beating signals in 10 day there will be a war in Japan. The Samurai Kids don't want to fight, so they are travelling to the Emperor where they will talk to the Emperor and see if they can silence the drum.'

The Samurai Kids are probably teenagers. Dellylu says, 'I like them because it's got lots of exciting parts and I like reading about different countries and how they are different from ours.'

These books have a glossary in the back, to explain all the different Japanese words to young readers, but personally I found it strange that the word 'samurai' isn't listed.

Adele's favourite series of picture books is Charlie and Lola, by Lauren Child. Next she will start the Wrinkle in Time series, because the third Samurai Kids book is reserved for her in the library, but she didn't bring it to Heron Island.

She says, 'Reading is cool.'


  1. +JMJ+

    What a nice idea to profile your young readers! =) I'd love to include my brothers' opinions on books on my own blog, but since they're grudging readers, their attempts at reviews just backfire!

  2. En, here's hoping they find books that engage them. I've got a post coming up from a girl who didn't like reading until she found Fear St., or something like that.
    Thanks for the lovely comments you always leave Lesa and me.


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