...by its cover.
I went to the library last week. I'm on a healthy eating kick. It probably won't last too long. I needed a few vegetarian and healthy eating cookbooks.
Anywho, as I was perusing the cookbooks, and nearbys, I happened to see a few, uh, interesting titles.
"Schizophrenia for Dummies".
I don't know. Something is just wrong about that title, right? Couldn't another franchise have picked up that subject? Although what would be the alternatives? "Idiot's Guide to Schizophrenia", "What to Expect When You're Expecting Schizophrenia"??
"The Un-Constipated Gourmet: Secrets to a Moveable Feast"?
Seriously? Does this whet your appetite? Gotta say, it kinda grosses me out. I mean what if it was really good, and everyone's asking (at your dinner party, although why you'd be using this for your dinner party, I don't know) where you got this diviiiiine recipe, dahling, and you've got to tell them the title. Aaaaakwaaard.
Now, shifting gears, there are book titles that just grab your attention, right?
"The Mediterranean Harvest"
Doesn't that sound good?
Like olives, figs, fresh hardy vegetables, fresh cream and butter. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. I love that kind of food though, so maybe I'm partial.
I mean, FINALLY! I've been saying people are idiots! Haven't I been saying that people are idiots? I've been saying that people are idiots! And NOW, NOW, we have the PROOF...the RESEARCH, if you will.
Maybe. I don't really know....
...cuz...I have not actually read any of these, and to be honest I probably won't read the first two. I won't be "fair" and give them a chance. Nope not me.
I did check out the "Mediterranean Harvest" out and plan on reviewing the recipes, in bed, with a glass of wine or hunk of chocolate....although I got it for my "health kick". *sigh* I chose it because of the cover. It just looked so soothing, you know?
The last one did have me interested for awhile, but then it starts talking about how I can improve, so....not seeing that happening. It's the other people that are idiots, right? Why should I change?
Well, as you can see, although a book "lovah", I am not a fair judge. Am I alone out there? Has anyone else read a book or passed up one because of the cover - its title or illustration? Come on...you can tell me. I swear I won't tell a soul!